

其实,狗不喜欢车。 美国有调查说90%的狗都不喜欢坐汽车。因为狗对声音非常敏感,而车子的引擎声、刹车声还有交通噪音是非常大且刺耳的,会对狗造成很大的压力。如果长期如此的话就会导致心理问题(比如焦虑症)或生理疾病(比如耳朵疾病)。 所以一般狗上车前都要先做“训练”。

1-2个月的时候,可以每天拿一个小毯子或者小枕头放在车里让它熟悉一下味道。也可以放点音乐,放轻快的就好。 这个时候可以先让它闻一闻,等它不抗拒了之后就把它抱进去关几分钟,别时间太长,不然它会害怕;然后就可以打开车门把它放出来了。这样反复几次,等狗狗大了就不怕了。 但是很多狗都怕车,所以这个方法不一定管用。

那要是狗真的很怕车怎么办呢?我也没辙。。。不过可以试试别的办法。 我知道一个关于如何带狗去打针的帖子很管用!里面说的方法很简单,但是效果出奇的好,推荐你们看看~ 以下是转载自URL (原帖作者是美国的宠物医生Dr. Marty Becker,他可是大名鼎鼎呢~~)

How to take your Pet to the Vet?

This is a true story that I want to share with you and hopefully save some pet parents from having their precious pets destroyed by an overzealous veterinarian: One day, two of my colleagues stopped at the back door of our clinic carrying this little Chihuahua in his arms.He was clearly very upset about what he had witnessed."Marty, do something! This dog came into the car with us when we were picking up Dr. Smith but now it's not moving or making any noise…It's been like this since we left the parking lot! Help me get him out so that she can help him……She will have a heart attack if something happens to her puppy.You know how much they mean to each other! What should I do?" They looked desperate, scared, worried and guilty all at once.I immediately sent them off on a mission with these instructions: "Do nothing! Just bring the pup right back here.Don't touch anything! Don't even let him sniff around inside the waiting room because it might startle him.When you return make sure no one is coming out onto the front counter.Then quickly give him a big hug and hold both him AND yourself in place for as long as needs be until we can examine him.We need to see first hand exactly why he's afraid!" We got lucky.After only five minutes, the vet pulled the little guy aside and examined him.His diagnosis? A temporary case of motion sickness.All he needed was some anti-nausea medication.The owners were ecstatic.They thanked everyone profusely, especially the vet who treated the furry friend without charging them extra.

Now, there are times where dogs may actually feel physically ill after being in a vehicle-whether it has just begun its journey or whether it has been sitting idle for several hours.There could also be underlying issues such as


我的是柯基,从小的时候开始坐车的 刚开始的时候上车,他看到车,就扒车门,下车后,就不走,然后你强行抱起来它,他就叫着挣扎,但是你要抱着他的头,不要动它的头部,否则他就会生气,咬你的手。 到宠物店买那种可以固定在座位上的狗圈,这个狗圈上有一个扣环,可以用钥匙之类的物品钩住,这样就可以让它坐在上面了(当然得系死扣) 这个方法只适用于柯基本种犬,其他品种可能不行哦~

后来长大了些,它知道车是可以载它出去玩的地方,而且喜欢上了坐车了,因为坐车的时候可以把耳朵放下来,感觉很放松,很舒适的感觉 我家小柯基是第一次做长途汽车的时候害怕的不得了,一直扒车窗,要下去,我就把门给他按紧了,不让他下,后来终于到了目的地,下车时,他又扒我的腿,不让走,非要抱抱…这货!太可爱了吧!!!!
